Lenin is still more alive than all those living KPSS
Long live Marxism-Leninism! 1980
Lenin lived, Lenin is alive, Lenin (will stay) alive! 1967
Time is working for peace. For communism.
Develop virgin lands!
Long live PEACE!
To the participants of the festival - Hi!
Nations of all the world!
(Get) Higher the flag of the proletarian internationalism!
CCCP Long live the all-victorious flag of Leninism! 1957
People and party - united! 1957
Glory to Soviet Country! 1917 1953
Under the leadership of the great Stalin - forward to Communism!
(You) will be a master!
If to work good, bread will grow 1947
Glory to Stalin - to the great architect of communism! 1951
New five-year plan - the five year plan of the Great construction
Young builders of Communism! 1949
Let's raise the generation utterly devoted to the cause of communism! 1947
(Will) rebuild! 1947
Glory to the Russian people - the bogatyr people, the creator people! 1947
Glory to the mighty aviation of the country of the Socialism! 1939
Stalin and Klement Voroshilov 1935
January 1st, 1939. Happy New Year!
Work, build and do not whine!, 1933
Long live Stalin's constitution! 1937
The Soviet woman
Stalin in the Kremlin cares about each one of us!
Shock woman-workers, strengthen shock-brigades ! 1931
Invent! Make way for the workers mother wit!
Stalinists! Wider the front of the Stakhanovite movement. 1934.
Who is glorious and famous in the country of Socialism
Each kolkhoznik, every brigade...
Shock harvesting to a Bolshevik crop. 1934
The communist party and Lenin are the twin brothers. 1940
Long live the Union of the workers and peasants - the basis of the Soviet power
Subway Komsomol members
The Dneprostroy has been built. 1932
Let's make stronger industrial power of Soviet Union ! 1932
Let's take by charge the last - fourth year of five-year plan ! 1931
The train goes from the Socialism Station to the Communism Station. 1939.
The captain of the country of Soviets, leads us from victory to victory! 1933
Red Army is a reliable guard of the Soviet country. 1930
GPU strikes a counterrevolutionary pest. 1930.
The stake of the interventionists is overbid!
(We will) Destroy kulak as a class
Soviet propaganda poster