Every hit of a hammer hits the enemy! 1941
How it was - how it will be! 1941
All on (are) G 1941
Partisans, kill the enemy without mercy! 1941
Sun, air and water, multiply strength for labor! 1962
USSR is a Mighty Sports Nation! 1962
Spartakiada of the Nations of the USSR 1975
Spartakiada Nations USSR! 1955
World Allround Speed Skating Championships for Women 1950
Youth - to (the) stadiums! 1947
Youth, on skis! 1945
Everyone to skis! 1942
Be a hero 1941
Our forces are countless! 1941
Homeland - Mother is Calling! 1941
Regards To Dear Stalin! 1938
Spartakiada Moscow August 1928
Processed cheese for any taste. 1966
Stolichnaya vodka 1965
Soviet Champagne. 1952.
Kvass - soft drink adverti?ement. 1959
Citrus Juice - Natural Drink 1951
Headgear Hats Fashion Advertisement 1953
Black caviar 1952
Chocolate sets of Red October confectionery factory 1950
Foods Sold at Potreb-cooperation stores 1954
Toothpaste Sanit 1938
Pelmeni Advertisement 1936
Smoke captains cigars 1939
Smoke Papirosy Derbi cigarettes advertisement 1936
Canned foods SOCRA 1932
Rezinotrest tire manufacturing company ad. 1929
Iris-Prima. Mosselprom. 1930
Fruit-drink Mors. Mosselprom. Moscow. 1930
I drink beer and soft drinks advertisement 1928
Mosselprom. Tobacco products. 1927
Cigarettes Pushki (Guns) 1926
Best in Far East cigarettes 1925
Mosselprom Advertisement Poster 1926
Challenge the honor of (your) Factory Trademark 1950
(we) Will Replace! 1941
(female) Worker, strive (fight) for the clean kitchen 1931
Care to People - Work with us! 1970
Young engineer - To the Manufacturing Department! 1956
And life is good, and to live is good! 1961
Closer to life, to an alive deedl! 1954
Deserve a praise! 1954
In a good shape are my beauties - cows. 1955