The best winter hats in the world - Ushanka.
Time-tested over decades of use by the hardy Russians to withstand their harsh winters.
Made in Russia from the highest quality locally manufactured materials only!
Great and useful gift for Christmas!
(We) Defended the world, world we will protect!
Net No Nein Non
Mir! Peace!
No to neutron bomb!
No to fascism!
Clean up the planet earth flower
Women of the planet for peace and friendship!
Protect the world (peace)!
It is better today to be proactive, than to be radioactive tomorrow.
No to (nuclear) arms race!
The country of the Soviets - is the standard bearer of peace!
For the peace! Constitution of the CCCP
Course of peace and of creation!
Value the Bread!
To the poachers, the nature is defenseless
Happy holidays, girls! 1966
Save the nature!
Be Frugal!
Every child is our child! Do not let children smoke! 1981
Where a liqueur (shot) glass is leading to...
For the Health?..
1980 Summer Olympics 1976
Games of the XXII Olympiad Moscow 1980
1st of June. International day of the protection of the children.
Save natural gas!
We are a sportive family - father, mother, brother and I
(I) Will become a Sheep Breeder! 1979
Save water!
Your workplace - is a front line of the fight for the peace
Our children will get that, what we will be able to save and conserve.
Create. Invent. Attempt!
The atom to work for peace, for Communism.
The Red Book protects the nature. 1988
Sun, Air and Water are our best friends
Moscow 1980. Olympic games.
Welcome! Moscow olympiad 1980
Communists are the standard bearers of peace
International Children's protection day
Sport is an ambassador of peace.
Long live PEACE!
To the participants of the festival - Hi!
Nations of all the world!
Peace to Nations!
To save the future!..
We (vote) for peace, for friendship
Where should we play?
USOSU Way to peace - constructive dialog
Fred mir peace paix
Mir peace
We need peace